Member-only story
Breathe For Health And Clarity
Lets get back to the breath. So much turmoil exists on our planet. We are divided by race and color. We throw each other under the bus when we no longer wish to be associated with one another.
Our blood pressure is high. Minds are over worked with thinking, and we don’t seem able to just relax and breathe throughout our days. Thomas Oppong regularly writes on brain health and often gives insight on how one can maximize their mind. Breathing has become my primary aid in the quest to understand our emotional states and maintain peak energy.
Millions of people now take anti-depressants to raise their moods, or they must take some drug to achieve calm if they need to focus. Mental instability is greatly reduced, and in many cases, cured through simple deep breathing.
Exhale all of one’s air from the nose. Feel the stomach smoothly pushing to squeeze the last drop of air out. Then take a nice deep inhale. Hold it for a moment or two, and let it out slow and smooth. Relax for a moment and feel the energy flow through you.
Once again, push all of your air out. Squeeze out every last drop, hold for a few moments, and then take in a nice inhale. This time, continue breathing inward for a few moments at the the top of your breath. When ready, just let it all out and feel this feeling.