Member-only story
Good Fathers Do This
Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.
-Andre Gide
Inning #1: Catch
The first thing you can observe when you watch a father and son play catch is that human beings are both fallible and resilient. Both father and son make errors and then recover in order to continue the game.
You can also become aware of the differences age bestows upon the young and old. Perhaps the father, due to injury and the normal processes of life, has some difficulty throwing or catching the ball, whereas the son effortlessly releases the ball throw after throw.
But if you allow yourself to quietly watch for a time, you chance upon the transfer of wisdom. The son might have ease of throwing ability but lack the knowledge of how to do so efficiently. The father, knowing “how” to throw the ball, will share this wisdom with his child, though still, he may be unable to demonstrate as effectively as he wishes.
Those who think and act wisely in our world take into account both short and long-term overall satisfaction. If one possesses the ability to consider the long term and short term outcomes of their decisions, they become almost godlike in their ability to manifest life in their favor.