Member-only story
“Soul Expedition”
“Don’t ignore God, for it’s the universe you rob…”
As I stand here thinking about which path to traverse
About whether to pursue this masters or write poems, lyrics, and verse,
I dream that soon our purpose as humans will be revealed
That our souls will be healed
That our hearts will be fulfilled
No time to think,
we work to drink and sleep away our lives
The elders tell us we won’t buck the system if we’re wise
But something deep inside my spirit tells me otherwise
We all want to be better, to live with genuine passion
It’s just that bills and fear of poverty keep us from taking action
Lulled to sleep by momentary bliss and daily comforts,
we let our dreams slumber
while inside creativity thunders
To stifle it is blunder
And still we do so it’s no wonder
why our souls hunger
in this world full of plunder
Why do we let our knowledge remain trapped inside?